Mens Buddhist Workshop – At the Centre

Sympathetic Joy – Secret to Happiness

Mudita, or sympathetic joy, is one of the four foundational positive emotions in Buddhism. It emerges when Metta comes into contact with happiness, success or positive qualities in another person. Like the rising sun, it is joyful, bright, appreciative, fulfilling and contagious. During the session, Maitripa will explore Mudita in a fun, hands-on and experiential way.

Maitripa (He who protects loving kindness) has a passion for building Sangha, Metta, spiritual friendship and applying Buddhism in everyday life. Maitripa encountered the Dharma in Turkey. After setting up a successful social enterprise, he moved to Padmaloka in 2019 where he currently lives and works.

Level Of Experience Needed: All

Led By: MBW Team

Date/Time: January 28, 2023 - 9:45am - 12:30pm

Suggested Donation: £7/£5 (concession)