The Meghya Sutta, led by Dharmadipa, an experienced Dharma teacher from Padmaloka Retreat Centre
The Meghya Sutta is one of the most important texts about the role of friendship in the spiritual life. The Buddha gives a complete description of the buddhist path and shows how spiritual friendship is the basis of the spiritual life. But in the Sutta we don’t only get the teaching of the Buddha, we can also witness how the Buddha helps his young disciple Meghya
On this day we will, with the help of the Sutta, look at all aspects of the spiritual life, we explore the role of friendship and get a sense of the Buddha as an exemplar of Spiritual Friendship.
The day will include meditation, reflection and discussion. Please bring vegetarian lunch to share.
Level Of Experience Needed: All
Led By: Dharmadipa
Date/Time: March 10, 2024 - 10:30am - 4:00pm
Price: £45 / £30
Please Note: No login is required to book
Bookings are closed for this event.