Buddha Day

Buddha Day Festival – Who was the Buddha?

Sunday 26 May

Led by Sarvananda, Sujana, Maitrivaca, Maitrisingha, Udara and Vajramati

“Alone sits the Darkness-Dispeller, the Bright One, the Light-Maker, Gotama of Great Knowledge, Gotama of Great Intelligence. He who taught the Teaching to me, which is visible, not subject to time, the end of craving, beyond calamity, for which there is nothing comparable anywhere in the world……”

Join us as we celebrate the enlightenment of the Buddha. Let’s come together as a community to enjoy this, the most important day in the Buddhist calendar!

Programme for Buddha Day

8.30am: Meditation for Order members followed by breakfast, please bring something to share.

10.00am: Centre open to all

10.15am: Meditation on the Buddha

11.15am: Three talks on ‘My relation to the Buddha’ by Vajraguptā, Maitrisingha and Vajramati

1.00pm: Shared lunch – please bring vegetarian lunch to share

2.15pm: Meditation and readings on the Buddha followed by puja


All are welcome to come to this special event.  By donation but please book.


Level Of Experience Needed: All

Led By: Sarvananda, Sujana, Maitrivaca, Maitrisingha, Udara and Vajramati

Date/Time: May 26, 2024 - 10:00am - 3:30pm

Suggested Donation: £15/£12/£8/£5/£0


Please Note: No login is required to book

Bookings are closed for this event.