Centre Meeting

Please come to a Centre Meeting on Tuesday 17 October from 7-9pm. 

We’ll be talking about the Centre’s Year 2023 in review. It’s important that you know what has been happening at the Centre this year and to understand the thinking behind that.

You’ll also discover our priorities for 2024 and we’re hoping you’ll be a part of them. There will be time for discussion and ideas gathering. We want to hear your ideas about how to contribute to our goals of offering a clear pathway for beginners, a vibrant Sangha and a culture of generosity. 

Do come at 6pm for a jacket potato dinner beforehand (bring a filling). Please book your place for this free event and let us know by email (info@norwichbuddhistcentre.com) if you would like a jacket potato. 

Hope to see you there.


Sinhadakini x

Level Of Experience Needed: All

Led By: Sinhadakini & The Centre Team

Date/Time: October 17, 2023 - 7:00pm - 9:00pm

Price: £0


Please Note: No login is required to book

Bookings are closed for this event.