Life with Full Attention

Life with Full Attention – A Practical Course in Mindfulness


Stop scrolling! Come to the Norwich Buddhist Centre instead. For six Tuesday evenings, from 11 June – 16 July, focus on how to put mindfulness into practice in the actual conditions of day-to-day life. It’s not about getting rid of your devices — but it is about engaging with them, and the world around you, with more intention. Discuss how to stay aware, navigating rigidity and boredom; and learn how to notice the freedom of mind that follows.


Buddhism is full of contradictions… so there is also an app you can download to support you, during the course and beyond: find it here on Google Play and Apple. Reading the book on which the material is based, Life with Full Attention, is another way to go deeper.


Join Suryadarshini, Maggie, Anthony and guest teachers as we explore a different theme each week.

Level Of Experience Needed: All

Led By: Suryadarshini and friends

Date/Time: June 11, 2024 - July 16, 2024 - 7:00pm - 9:00pm

Price: £105 / £60


Please Note: No login is required to book

Bookings are closed for this event.