Mind, Reactive and Creative

Mind, Reactive and Creative
A six-week Buddhism course for beginners and regulars

One of the Buddha’s key insights is that our state of mind influences our thoughts, which in turn determine our actions, and thereby our world.

This course explores the idea that the mind operates in two very different ways. When our mind is reactive, we are led by habitual patterns of thought. But if we can liberate ourselves from those habitual patterns, then our mind can begin to be creative.

The spiritual life is essentially a movement from the reactive mind to the creative mind. When our habitual patterns of thinking fall away, we begin to realise how much energy we were putting into our bad habits, and usual cycle of thoughts. This newly liberated energy can go into positive transformation of our minds. We can start to live the way we really want to live. How we then decide to live is essentially a creative process. Every moment of life offers us the choice of being creative in this sense, rather than reactive.

On this six-week Buddhism course,  we will investigate just what that choice means in our own lives, with a combination of teaching, discussion, meditation and practical exercises. For those who are new to meditation, full instruction will be given. The path to Enlightenment is one of ever-increasing creativity. We will explore one of the Buddha’s teachings in which he describes a sequence of ever-increasing creative states of mind, all the way to Enlightenment.

Participants will receive the e book ‘Mind, Reactive and Creative’ as part of the course.


These are difficult times for us to keep afloat financially. Please bear us in mind. The Norwich Buddhist Centre’s work is financed by the generosity of those who come along. However we don’t want to turn anyone away from our events. If you feel unable to pay the prices offered, but would benefit from this event and you’re on Universal Credit, a student or under 25, please contact us at info@norwichbuddhistcentre.com. 

Level Of Experience Needed: All

Led By: Pundarika, Satyadaka & Friends

Date/Time: September 10, 2023 - October 15, 2023 - 10:30am - 12:30pm

Price: £105 / £60


Please Note: No login is required to book

Bookings are closed for this event.