Please note (11/03/22): Sadly, we have just heard that Ananda has contracted Covid and is unwell. He is now unable to come to this event, but he is planning to come and do an evening at the Centre in May. A date will be arranged and as soon as we can we will readvertise it.
In the meantime – and as this event coincides with our Full Moon Gathering – Bodhivajra will now be hosting this event.
The first half of the evening will consist of poems interspersed with meditation. This will be followed by “One Thousand Green Poems” – a puja inspired by Ryokan.
Whilst not the evening we had originally planned, it still offers the wonders of poetry intertwined with stillness and reflection.
Booking essential– Please consider making a donation for this event.
Photo by Armando Arauz on Unsplash
Level Of Experience Needed: All
Led By: Bodhivajra
Date/Time: March 18, 2022 - 7:00pm - 9:00pm
Suggested Donation: £15/£12/£8/£0
Please Note: No login is required to book
Bookings are closed for this event.