Sangha Swim and Picnic – at Winterton

Sangha Swim and Picnic – at Winterton

Sunday 3 September meet 12 noon at the beach encampment

Come and join us for a Sangha swim and picnic at Winterton on Sunday, 3 September (unless the weather is very inclement). Give yourself time to be outdoors, and allow yourself to enjoy the natural spaciousness and beauty of the coast as we gather together for a Sangha day out.

Winterton beach has a car park (parking charges apply). Once parked, and facing the sea, walk left along the beach until you see some prayer flags and our little encampment.

Please bring your own lunch/drinks/refreshments. Winterton beach has a coffee van.  

If you can offer or need a lift, please contact the Centre.

Love, Sinhadakini xx


By donation (information here), but please book your place.

Level Of Experience Needed: All

Led By: Sinhadakini

Date/Time: September 3, 2023 - 10:45am - 1:00pm

Suggested Donation: £15/£12/£8/£5/£0


Please Note: No login is required to book

Bookings are closed for this event.