The Stuff of Dreams – At the Centre

This evening guest speaker Arthabandhu will introduce us to the deeper possibilities of the dream state. Dreams are available to us all but how well do we know this strange yet personal realm? Drawing on a Buddhist approach to dreams and Lucid Dreaming, Arthabandhu will share his experience from 20 years of exploration, and also how we can engage with dreams so that we are enriched by their strangeness, beauty and depth. As well, this evening, Arthabandhu will be introducing his zine ‘Stuff of Dreams’, a collection of dream inspired images and diary extracts, copies of which will be available to buy.

Arthabandhu has long had a special interest in dreams and has explored them in relation to Buddhist practice ever since hearing Sangharakshita say: “If you want to really know yourself, pay attention to your dreams.”

For more about Arthabandhu’s workshops and the zine visit

This event is by donation, but please book a place.

Photo by Johannes Plenio at Unsplash

Level Of Experience Needed: All

Led By: Arthabandu

Date/Time: April 28, 2022 - 7:00pm - 9:00pm

Suggested Donation: £15/£12/£8/£5/£0


Please Note: No login is required to book

Bookings are closed for this event.