Women’s Mitra Morning

For Women Mitras and Order Members only.


The Mirage of Consumerism


The significance of Siddhartha’s Going Forth in the Pali Scriptures is immeasurable, both in historical terms and in our own lives.  How far are we really prepared to let go of our attachment: to views, people and of course material possessions?  Is there a line we would struggle to cross in our spiritual journey?

Through a led meditation, discussions groups with key questions and a closing ritual/reflection we will explore our journey of letting go and what may hold us back.

Level Of Experience Needed: All

Led By: Aryadhi

Date/Time: February 17, 2024 - 10:00am - 12:00pm

Suggested Donation: £15/£12/£8/£5/£0


Please Note: No login is required to book

Bookings are closed for this event.